Enjoy Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a turbulent time both mentally and physically. You may have heard that discomfort should be expected in pregnancy and to just accept it. While discomfort can be common, it is very important that we listen to and nurture our bodies especially during times of great change. Pain is communication and should not be ignored! We can do Spinning Babies techniques to relieve these discomforts and help your baby get into the optimal position for birth. Also to help you relax I offer massage and polarity. Check out my doula packages
Own your birth
...with a birth plan
During our prenatal visits we can explore what options sound appealing to you. Most of the time ladies don’t even realize the choices they have. And when there is no awareness of options, then there is no real option! We can make a birth plan with all of your preferences to help empower you to birth your way.
Curate your experience
...with custom Childbirth Education
It’s about time we start to treat birth as the big deal that it is- not only is this a life changing event you’ll remember for the rest of your life but it is also limited in quantity. Perhaps you would like candles or aromatherapy? What about counter pressure and massage? Or maybe a water birth is right for you. And perhaps you are an Expat and are not familiar with the maternity system in the Netherlands, but don’t fret because I can cover that in your custom childbirth education. Let’s set the stage for your ideal birth!
The (birth) Partner

During one of our prenatal visits I can meet with your chosen (birth) partner and we can go over some tips and tricks to help them know how best to support you. A doula is not there to replace the (birth) partner. My goal is to help your (birth) partner be as involved as they wish to be by teaching them prenatally and coaching them on the big day.
Master Cloth Diapering
Would you like to cloth diaper? Perhaps you are curious about how it works. It’s not harder than using disposable diapers but it can feel intimidating if you’re just starting out. In a supplementary meeting I will bring you a variety of diapering options and other accessories for you to look at in person. We will discuss everything about cloth diapering.
Postpartum Doula
There is a reason that nearly all cultures insist the first 40 days (or six weeks) after having a baby are sacred and should be treated as such. There are a lot of changes occurring hormonally and physically as your body is recovering, not to mention the adjustment of life with a new baby. As a postpartum doula I can make weekly or bi-weekly visits in the first six weeks after the baby has arrived to serve as practical help, a listening ear, and a good source of information. Book Now!
Nourish The Mother
Recovering from childbirth is very important. Think of the amazing work you just did! It takes a lot to make a whole person. It is very important for your emotional health and physical wellbeing to provide your body with the nourishment it needs during your first six weeks postpartum. I would love to help you during your postpartum period with home cooked meals and healthy snacks made with whole foods. We can accomplish this in two ways: I can make meals for you to freeze or I can prepare fresh meals in your postpartum period. Check out what’s on the Menu.